Competitors for Palace Skateboards includes Supreme, Thrasher and Stüssy. This is due to the shared customers for these brands as well as similar price points, online awareness and product sold by the brands. As competitor brands, Supreme and Stüssy do not have any offline marketing their presence on social media platforms Facebook, Twitter and Instagram channels was analysed. Primary research collected made the following conclusions.
Exceptional content across Facebook and Instagram where images and videos are utilised to their maximum potential to be engaging
Professional attitude across social media platforms
Best at using Facebook and Instagram for engaging with customers when compared with Palace and competitor brands
Not active on Twitter
No use of current marketing trends such as interactive content
Poor presence on Facebook inactive since 2016
Use images on twitter and Instagram fluidly
Barely active across all social media platforms
New images/ videos posted daily across all social medias with relevant content to the consumer
Poor content across Instagram and Facebook
Thrasher magazine is now in its 400th publication which shows it has been a success as the brand focuses on the sport of skateboarding rather than the fashion of the sport. This can inspire Palace to retain and reinforce their heritage of the skateboarding crew PWBC which original consumers fear of losing